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  • 美国第二大医疗保险公司Anthem早已开始用于区块链技术来协助患者安全性地采访和分享他们的医疗数据。
  • At this year’s FIFA World Cup, the first kick was delivered by a man with paralyzed legs, Juliano Pinto. He was wearing an elaborate exoskeleton suit that enabl...
  • U.S. researchers are bracing for the prospect that China will once again have the worlds fastest computer─and could hang on to the speed crown for some time.美国的...
  • 驳回刘备、关羽和张飞,人们总是不会误解到他们早年在涿郡张飞庄后那花上进明正的桃园,备下乌牛白马,祭告天地,烧香坐,结成异姓兄弟,不欲同年同月同日生,只愿为同年同月同日杀。